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水彩 名家 李锡宗 艺术品扫码支付系统
李锡宗,自幼受家庭影响学习中国画,得名师指教。毕业于广西师范大学艺术系中国画专业,结业于中央美术学院中国画系。多次在国内外参加大展并获奖,代表作品《圣山之女》、《雪域之光》、《高原祥云》、《香格里拉的传说》、《桂中情》、《悄语》、《金秋硕果》等在国内外多种学术刊物上发表。多次深入西藏、新疆、青海、甘肃、云南、海南、广西、山西等地考察写生。多次受邀请在国外进行文化交流讲学活动,受聘于国内外多所艺术研究机构及专业美术院校任教授,是泰国曼谷中国画院特选定的招待名流作家,现执教于中国山西省运城学院美术系。 About the Painter's Life: Li Xizong, deeply influenced by his family, he learned Chinese painting when he was very young and guided by Chinese painting masters , graduated from the Art Department of Guang Xi Teacher's University and made a further study of Chinese paintings at the Speciality of Chinese painting of the Central Paintings Institute , won numerous awards at the arts exhibition of country and from aboard. His representative works are: The Daughter of the Sacred Mountain The Light of the Snow Field The Clouds on the Highlands The Legend of Shang-ri La Memory of Guilin, My Home town Whisper The Golden Harvest, etc. All are published in various journals. His style is special, combines traditional Chinese methods with modern expression. He once went to Xi Zang, Xi Jiang, Qing Hai, Gan Su, Yun Nan, Hai Nan, Guang Xi, Shan Xi to gather painting materials many times and was invited aboard to lecture and take cultural exchange activies, has been the honourable professor of many arts institutions and universities, the selected painter of China in Bangkok, now teaching in The Art Department,Yuncheng University,Shan Xi,China.